The secret to the most productive meetings may be these simple exercises you do beforehand

Ever feel like your meetings are a jumble of scattered minds, with everyone thinking in different directions? In today’s busy work environments, unproductive meetings are as common as hearing “Can you see my screen?” on every call.

But what if I told you that the key to unlocking truly transformative meetings‚—and, by extension, your business’s potential—is as simple as taking a collective deep breath?

I’ve navigated leadership environments for two decades, and the real eureka moment came from some mind-bending observations during my time as an innovations pioneer at WPP’s Neurolab. Now, as CEO at Myosin Marketing, we’ve embraced intentional rituals for two years, and the result has been a more aligned, creative, effective, and, dare I say, vulnerable workplace culture.

Here’s how collective mindfulness and emotional connection can create a tidal wave of positive change in your organization.

The breath: Our very common superpower

Breath is the one thing we can control to stay alive. It can speed up, or slow down. It’s always there. So why not harness it for our collective good?

At Myosin, we started doing a simple team breathing exercise before every meeting. It goes like this: Breathe in through your nose for a count of three, hold for two at the top, then breathe out for four. Repeat three times. I’ll count the first one out loud, then everyone does two on their own. Some folks turn their cameras off, some leave them on—whatever feels right.

Why does this work? Well, it’s all about coherence, and it brings in everything I learned from the Neurolab (and mindfulness work throughout my spiritual journey). When we regulate our breathing, we activate our parasympathetic nervous system (aka our chief internal chill-out officer). It balances our heart rhythms, improves oxygen flow, and enhances our emotional regulation. In short, it gets us all on the same wavelength, ready to focus, feel balanced, and make good decisions—together.

Warm up with vulnerability

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Breathing exercises? Really? What’s next, trust falls?” Stick with me; this is where the magic happens.

We call it our “wake up and warm up.” We’ll ask questions like, “What’s one thing about how you show up at work that you want to change?” Or one of my favorites, “What would little you think of as an adult you right now?” Often, the conversation will reveal our hidden barriers and daily struggles with limiting beliefs.

If the thought of this gives you anxiety, I get it. But here’s the kicker: This practice pulls people out of their heads, and into their hearts, and the moment. It’s like hitting the defrost button on everyone’s professional personas and reminding us of our full humanity. That vulnerability is rocket fuel for creativity and collaboration.

Unleash potential from quiet to courageous

Since we incorporated this practice before our meetings two years ago, we’ve seen massive gains. More financial abundance, sure, but more importantly, people produce from their purpose. We’re seeing more confident and courageous voices emerge from our team.

We’ve created a space where people can be their authentic, evolving selves. This safe environment, where fears and uncertainties are openly shared, not only fosters personal relationships but also adds incredible depth and ease to collaborating effectively.

Energy first, work second

This practice has evolved our mantra at Myosin: Energy first, work second. We’ve crafted an environment where people feel safe and are supported to create from a place of courage, integrity, and joy—not stress.

And the impact on our clients? It’s remarkable. They’re noticeably more satisfied because they can sense genuine enthusiasm and focus radiating from our team. The positive energy we cultivate through these exercises before meetings translate directly into more engaging discussions and significantly enhanced creative output. Our clients aren’t just getting our work; they’re experiencing the benefits of our aligned and energized approach.

It’s so contagious that you’ll find us doing our breathwork on client calls too.

Here’s your action plan

  1. Start small. Introduce a breathing exercise into one meeting.
  2. Keep it relaxed. Let everyone know it’s fine to feel out of their comfort zone.
  3. Be the example. Show them how it’s done. Vulnerability looks good on you, I promise.
  4. Commit to consistency. This isn’t a one-hit wonder; it gains strength with each practice.
  5. Stay attuned to your team. Chat about what’s working and what’s falling flat.

Aligning your team’s emotional and mental mojos with company goals is crucial. These simple, mindful practices before your meetings can ripple through your company’s culture, leading to teams that are more fired up and in sync than gold-medal synchronized swimmers.

Business is about people. And people aren’t robots. We have emotions and lives outside work, and our brains constantly process information. By taking a few minutes to acknowledge that, get centered, and really see each other—that’s when the magic happens.

So here’s my challenge in love for you: Try this with your team. It might feel as strange as socks with sandals, but keep going. You might just find that a little bit of breathing and a dash of vulnerability before your meetings can transform your business faster than you can say “synergy.”

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