Éric Caire resigns as minister responsible for digital tech amid SAAQclic debacle today, 1:29 PM cbc.ca 0 0
What 3 Windsor, Ont., residents had to say after voting in the Ontario election today, 1:29 PM cbc.ca 0 0
Villeneuve family seeks to protect driver’s ‘legacy’ in battle against Quebec museum today, 10:05 AM globalnews.ca 0 0
Clearwater Seafood selling lobster facility, announces temporary layoffs today, 10:02 AM globalnews.ca 0 0
Supreme Court will rule on whether N.B. lieutenant-governor must be bilingual today, 9:30 AM cbc.ca 0 0
WARMINGTON: Trump takes Gretzky off hook and now it's time for Canada to do same today, 8:55 AM torontosun.com 0 0
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