Over 15 years of working with leaders, I’ve noticed a clear pattern: Burnout often stems from what I call the Superman leadership style.
Many cultures hold tightly to this image of a leader as strong, confident, and capable of fixing anything. This ideal isn’t just a societal expectation—it’s one that leaders impose on themselves. But striving to be a “Superman” leader is a recipe for burnout, because it’s both unrealistic and unattainable.
Burnout, as highlighted by the World Health Organization, is an occupational phenomenon. It’s marked by exhaustion, reduced professional effectiveness, and a sense of detachment from one’s work. And leaders that fit the Superman mold are more prone to these symptoms because of the unrelenting pressure they face on a daily basis.
Through my work with burned-out leaders, I’ve identified three internal taboos that often define this Superman style of leadership. These operate beneath the surface but have a significant impact. Recognizing and challenging them could be the first step toward a more sustainable approach to leadership.
1. The taboo against not knowing
Superman rules dictate that leaders must always have the answers.
A senior executive I worked with felt overwhelmed when her team, going through challenges, experienced significant anxiety and looked to her for guarantees that everything would turn out fine. Adding to the burden, higher-ups also placed similar expectations on her. Over time, she realized that much of her burnout stemmed from trying to project certainty in situations where there was none, especially in a fast-changing environment.
She reflected, “I thought I was being paid to know the answers. I felt I had to act like I knew because that’s how I understood my role.”
Another leader shared: “I feel like I have to know what to do in every situation. Admitting I don’t know feels like failing.”
This taboo pressures leaders to constantly appear in control, but false certainty in such an unpredictable world is dangerous. As award-winning author Maggie Jackson noted in her book Uncertain: The Wisdom and Wonder of Being Unsure, that you need to embrace uncertainty during times of flux and a remarkable antidote to narrow-mindedness.
2. The taboo against losing control
Imagine a doctor claiming they could cure every patient, no matter the circumstances. Absurd, right? Yet many leaders take on a similar mindset, believing they need to control every outcome to prove their worth.
One executive I worked with shared: “When two key team members left in one month, I couldn’t stop blaming myself. If something goes wrong, it’s always my fault.”
The Superman mindset requires leaders to maintain tight control over their teams, their processes, and their outcomes. It creates an illusion that you’re responsible for everything, even if circumstances are beyond your control. These kinds of leaders see mistakes, failures, and setbacks as personal flaws.
Another leader I coached described how he felt after a product launch failed due to market conditions: “I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was my fault, even though our data showed the market just wasn’t ready.” When leaders cling to the illusion of control, their teams become less proactive, waiting for orders rather than taking initiative. A simple exercise of distinguishing what’s within their control and what isn’t can help leaders release unnecessary pressure and empower their teams.
3. The taboo against vulnerability
One leader put it bluntly: “If you want to climb the ladder, you keep your problems to yourself.”
Superman leaders believe they need to appear fine at all times, they need to be confident, energized, and unshakable. Vulnerability and mental health remain taboo topics for many leaders, despite growing awareness of their importance.
But keeping up appearances comes at a cost. Leaders who bottle up their struggles often miss out on the trust and connection that come from being open and authentic.
Melissa Doman, in her book Yes, You Can Talk About Mental Health at Work, pushes back against the outdated belief that mental health issues are purely personal and don’t belong at work. She argues that mental health should be treated just like physical health, and it’s crucial to break the stigma surrounding mental health discussions at the office.
A VP I worked with struggled to connect with her team until she shared a personal story about navigating a difficult divorce and the emotional toll it took on her. Her openness transformed her team’s perception of her. One team member later told her, “It was the first time I saw you as a real person.”
The impact of Superman leadership
Here’s the reality: Superman leaders thrive on the outside but struggle on the inside. They operate at maximum energy output, depleting their resources quickly.
And it’s not just about their personal well-being. Superman leaders often stifle their teams without realizing it. By taking on all the responsibility and keeping everything tightly controlled, they create an environment where others are afraid to take risks, propose new ideas, or admit mistakes.
Another perspective on leadership
Burnout doesn’t have to be the cost of leadership. Leaders who let go of these taboos—admitting when they don’t know everything, accepting that not everything is within their control, and embracing vulnerability—often find themselves leading with more energy, clarity, and effectiveness.
If you’ve been operating as a Superman leader, consider reflecting on the following questions: Is all this pressure really necessary? Chances are, some of it is self-imposed and entirely avoidable. What would happen if you let go of what’s no longer serving you? After all, leadership isn’t about being Superman. It’s about creating a sustainable approach that empowers both you and your team to thrive.
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