Recently, I saved a major exclusive story from nearly getting killed at the eleventh hour. After developing the communications strategy, writing several versions of a pitch that a broader team of external partners would use over the course of the campaign’s phases, and personally intervening when the opportunity was nearly lost after one of the parties involved fumbled, that same party later said to me, “Thanks for your help.”Help.Twenty years in public relations, including over a decade running a successful consultancy, and my strategic leadership was reduced to “help”—a word that carries centuries of loaded meaning for Black women in America. It’s a word that seems disproportionately reserved for people of color, regardless of their role, impact, or level of experience.But this wasn’t an isolated incident. I’ve watched a familiar pattern unfold throughout my career: White professionals are dubbed “rockstars” for meeting basic expectations and praised for their “brilliance” for sharing a contrarian thought. Meanwhile, when Black and brown professionals—particularly women of color—demonstrate exceptional results and seemingly do the impossible, we’re thanked for our “help.”
“Mislabeling leadership as ‘help’ is a reminder that excellence isn’t always enough to rewrite bias, especially for Black leaders,” says Jenny Vazquez-Newsum, E.d.D., a leadership strategist, facilitator, and author of the book Untapped Leadership: Harnessing the Power of Underrepresented Leaders. “It reinforces a long-standing systemic flaw that devalues the intellectual labor and expertise of Black professionals.”
Let’s be clear about what help actually is. Help is being a fresh pair of eyes to review slides before a colleague’s presentation. Help is picking up slack on a project when a teammate is out sick. What I and many other diverse professionals do every day isn’t help; it’s leadership that drives business forward and enables teams to succeed.
The language we use matters. When companies frame Black leadership as “help,” they perpetuate a subtle but powerful form of professional diminishment. This framing doesn’t just affect individual recognition; it impacts career advancement, team dynamics, and business success. It reinforces an unconscious hierarchy where certain professionals are seen as leaders by default, while others must constantly prove their leadership—only to have it minimized by being characterized as a supporting role.
“Language can be a subtle mirror of our biases,” says Vazquez-Newsum. “When we diminish Black leadership to ‘help,’ we prescribe a subordinate narrative to extraordinary contributions. It undercuts expertise even if couched in good intentions or under a veil of gratitude.”This systemic undervaluation has significant business implications. According to research from Russell Reynolds Associates, only 29% of Black professionals with 10-20 years of experience report satisfaction with their level of recognition, compared to 47% of their non-Black peers. Similarly, a LinkedIn survey of more than 2,000 Black professionals found that lack of recognition was a primary driver of turnover, with 33% citing it as a reason they considered leaving their jobs.The cost is substantial to businesses: Companies in the bottom quartile for both gender and ethnic diversity are 66% less likely to outperform their peers financially, per McKinsey data. When organizations fail to acknowledge Black leadership, they risk losing the very talent that could drive success—with Gallup estimating replacement costs reaching up to 200% of annual salary for leadership positions.
The solution isn’t simply swapping words—it’s fundamentally shifting how corporate America recognizes and values leadership. Companies must create systems that properly attribute individual contributions and build cultures where excellence is recognized, regardless of who demonstrates it.
Vazquez-Newsum emphasizes the broader business implications. “Failing to acknowledge leadership where it exists is a business liability. Bias in language creates an unseen barrier in talent pipelines, costing organizations their most innovative thinkers. What some may dismiss as subtlety, others experience as a powerful deterrent, discouraging the very talent and contributions the companies need to thrive.”
She says that companies build a communication culture that fully acknowledges the weight of contributions. “It should be standard practice to explicitly articulate the scope and significance of a colleague’s contribution and align it with recognized leadership behaviors. Simple gratitude is not equivalent to adequate recognition.”
There’s help, and there’s business leadership. It’s time for companies—and individuals—to recognize the difference.
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