College grads are on pace to hold nearly twice the number of jobs over their careers compared to 15 years ago, according to LinkedIn’s new Work Change Snapshot report. That’s 20 jobs now versus 11 in 2010. And the jobs they will have are going to be different. Think about it: Roles like data scientist, social media manager, and sustainability manager didn’t even exist 20 years ago. The rapid introduction of AI not only alters how professionals work but how they must present their AI skills in the job search, too.
And with AI directly impacting the skills and qualifications employers are looking for, candidates who have the skills to work alongside AI and the ability to navigate fast-paced, evolving environments, are being prioritized in the hiring process. Positioning yourself as part of that AI skills–ready group is half the battle.
Showcasing AI skills on your LinkedIn profile or résumé and knowing how to talk about AI in interviews are must-dos. Here’s how to best highlight your AI skills as you search for a new role:
Highlight AI skills in your job search
Almost half of recruiters on LinkedIn identify potential candidates by searching for specific skills. This literally means they’re searching for profiles with AI keywords in the About, Experience, and Skill sections.
Use the About section of your profile and résumé to weave in AI keywords and skills. While hiring managers are keeping an eye out for AI skills, such as prompt engineering or data literacy, people skills are also in demand right now. Be sure to include skills like communication, leadership, project management, teamwork, and adaptability on your profile along with specifics on how you’ve employed these skills to drive impact.
In the Experience section, add your AI skills within specific jobs or projects, to improve your chances of showing up in candidate searches. If you’ve used ChatGPT to help research or proof an email response, you’ve effectively employed prompt engineering. Use that verbiage on your profile:
“Frequently utilize AI to draft and refine customer communications.”
Or if you regularly use AI to take meeting notes, you can say something along the lines of:
“Routinely utilize AI tools to capture and organize meeting notes, resulting in streamlined workflows, enhanced productivity, and improved decision making.”
To ensure your profile or résumé isn’t overlooked, make sure the skills on your LinkedIn profile match well with the list of skills needed for the job you want. For instance, if you’re applying for a marketing role that includes a skill like “competent in leveraging AI to strategize and create,” include a bullet point about the social media posts or newsletter copy you created using ChaptGPT or Copilot.
Have you taken a course or are you making a point of watching more AI-related videos for skill-building? Include it in your Education or Training section. This not only shows early interest in AI but also adds AI-specific keywords on your profile.
Know how to talk about your skills in an interview
You’ve landed the interview. Now what? It’s time to impress with your ability to talk intelligently about your AI skills.
Be ready to elaborate on how you use AI to save time, boost creativity, or focus on your most important work. Share context and have examples ready of how you’re rolling AI into your daily work. For example, if you’re using AI tools to help you analyze data in a way that’s helping speed decision-making, explain how.
If you lack the skills the employer is looking for, here’s what to do. Consider taking LinkedIn Learning courses such as How to Research and Write Using Generative AI Tools or Introduction to Prompt Engineering for Generative AI to strengthen your AI muscles.
Or you can even start smaller than that by practicing with AI a little each day, such as asking ChatGPT or Copilot to “proof” something you’ve written or having it summarize a long email for you. The better the prompt, the better results you’ll get! The more you experiment with AI, the more comfortable you’ll feel using it, and can confidently add it to your skills toolkit.
Talk about how you have been proactive or agile in response to changes in your industry or at your company. Be ready to share your favorite ways you’ve learned because, in reality, we’re all learning this together. Share how you’ve stayed up-to-date with the latest news and insights from industry experts and then name some of your favorites.
Quick tip: Your interview is a two-way street. Ask the interviewer about AI’s current utilization at the company.
- How much is AI truly integrated into day-to-day work?
- What learning opportunities are available?
To stand out in today’s job market, professionals need to embrace AI skills and demonstrate their ability to adapt to new technologies. Highlighting these AI skills on your résumé or LinkedIn profile and being able to discuss them confidently in interviews are no longer optional—they’re essential. Staying current and evolving with these changes is key to remaining competitive and relevant in your job search.
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